problem n. 1.问题,课题;疑难问题;令人困惑的情况。 2.【数、物】习题;作图题。 3.(象棋的)布局问题。 the problem of unemployment 失业问题。 His whole conduct is a problem to me. 他的一切行为我都不理解。 adj. 1.成问题的;难处理的。 2.关于社会问题的。 a problem child 【心理学】问题儿童;难管教的孩子。 a problem novel [play] (反映社会问题等的)问题小说[戏剧]。 sleep on [upon, over] a problem 把问题留到第二天解决。
Sometimes class adoption, as illustrated by this recipe, is the cleanest way out of class hierarchy problems that arise when you wish to avoid module interdependencies ( e . g ., within a layered architecture ) 当您希望避免模块间的相互依赖,有时类组合,就像处方中的例子,就是最简洁的方法来避免发生类继承的问题(比如,在分层的结构中)。
Especially to strategy and state, there are deeper discussions . aided with strategy, we not only get its initial purpose of encapsulating a series of complicated algorithms so they can replace each other, but also grasp another advantage that it helps resolve the multiple-hierarchy problem in designing objects 我们使用策略模式不仅达到了它的原始意图??封装一系列复杂算法,使它们可以相互替换,而且体会到了另外一种益处??它有助于解决设计对象过程中“多重继承”的难题。
Under the condition that the lower-layer elements and their dominating upper-layer elements are considered as the condition attributes and the decision attributes separately, the following problems are studied : refining of assessment index system, acquirement of index weight and the constructing of judgment matrix based on the reduction and the attribute importance theory in rough sets, which achieve the sufficiency use of field knowledge for analytical hierarchy process and decision support of the hierarchy problems for rough sets 摘要将层次分析模型中下层因素与支配它的上层因素分别视为条件属性和决策属性,借助粗糙集的约简和属性重要性理论,研究了融合粗糙集的层次分析法的指标体系的完善、指标权重的确定、判断矩阵的构造等问题,实现了层次分析法时领域知识的利用及粗糙集对层次结构问题的决策支持。